May 26, 2011
To increase Cambodian patients' access to safe medicines, in November 2007 Eisai conducted training in quality control in Japan for staff of Cambodia's Ministry of Health, as part of the international cooperation project organized by the JPMA. The training included:
- Lectures on the principles, operation, and maintenance of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer donated to Cambodia by Eisai through the JPMA, and practice in conducting atomic absorption spectroscopy, which is used to analyse products and raw materials.
- Lectures and practice in the treatment of factory waste water to identify mercury, arsenic and other elements that are harmful to human health and the environment.
- A visit to one of Eisai's factories in Japan.
- A visit to a specialist on counterfeit medicines.
Through this programme Eisai has supported improvements in the quality of pharmaceuticals in Cambodia and to the health of Cambodian patients.