- For Print
- November 16, 2023
Eisai Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, CEO: Haruo Naito, “Eisai”) announced today that it has been named by the Japan Investor Relations Association (Chairman: Naoki Izumiya, “JIRA”) as one of the “Greatest IR Improvement Premium Company” and “Best Continual IR Efforts Premium Company” at the JIRA 30th Anniversary Commemorative Awards.
The awards commemorate the 30th anniversary of JIRA, and are a special recognition of member companies that have continued IR activities over the medium to long term and have been recognized for their efforts to raise the level of appropriate information disclosure and constructive dialogue. Member companies have been selected for this recognition by the Judging Committee of the Best IR Awards based on the screening results for the past 17 years from 2007 to 2023. During this period, companies which have steadily been evaluated highly by committee members and have been recognized for their efforts to improve IR are selected as “Greatest IR Improvement Premium Company”, and companies which have continuously applied for the Best IR Awards and have been recognized for their continual IR efforts over the long term are selected as “Best Continual IR Efforts Premium Company”. 70 companies were selected each for “Greatest IR Improvement Premium Company” and “Best Continual IR Efforts Premium Company”.
Please visit the JIRA homepage for further details. https://www.jira.or.jp/english/
Eisai's Corporate Concept is "to give first thought to patients and people in the daily living domain, and to increase the benefits that health care provides." Under this Concept, we aim to effectively achieve social good in the form of relieving anxiety over health and reducing health disparities. This human health care (hhc) concept is also stipulated in our Articles of Incorporation, and to realize this concept, we have worked to quantify the value of non-financial capital, including social impact calculations and employee impact accounting to create long-term, sustainable corporate value, and have focused on communicating information on the link between financial and non-financial value, as well as the visualization of non-financial value, through dialogue between investors and top management and the publication of the Value Creation Report.
Eisai will continue to respect the rights of shareholders and investors, ensure fairness and transparency in management, and work on its IR activities to aid the enhancement of corporate value.
Media Inquiries:
Public Relations Department,
Eisai Co., Ltd.